The Umbrella Academy Ken Hall. The Umbrella Academy is an American superhero web television series based on the comic book series of the same name published by Dark Horse Comics. But who voices Pogo in The Umbrella Academy and who plays What happened at the end of the umbrella academy?
But who voices Pogo in The Umbrella Academy and who plays What happened at the end of the umbrella academy? Reunited by their father's death, estranged siblings with extraordinary powers uncover shocking family As a lifetime of secrets and resentment bring the Umbrella Academy crashing down, the Hargreeves siblings realize the worst is still to come. The Umbrella Academy is an American superhero web television series based on the comic book series of the same name published by Dark Horse Comics.
Created by fans, for fans, the Umbrella Academy Wiki is dedicated to creating a comprehensive and informative resource about the original Umbrella Academy comic and the Netflix adaption.
The Umbrella Academy Recap: Last Night on Earth As the Vanya situation comes to a head, there are no good answers — and it's about to get a lot worse.
Any future content (e.g. castings, news, plots) must be labeled as a spoiler. And the one on Friday is called The Umbrella Academy, and I play the body of this evolved chimpanzee called Pogo. Pogo is voiced by Adam Godley and played by Ken Hall in The Umbrella.