Lee Harvey Oswald Grave. Oswald tells me that her son, Lee Harvey, was a good boy and that she loved him. The Highly Unusual Funeral of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Oswald tells me that her son, Lee Harvey, was a good boy and that she loved him. I have heard that the cemetery will not tell anyone where his grave is located. Kennedy, son of Marguerite Frances Claverie Oswald.
There is a physical description and some more interesting info on the grave here Lee Harvey Oswald, Writer: Frontline.
The Oswald family—with Marguerite Oswald second from right—sit next to Lee Harvey Oswald's casket. (© Bettmann/CORBIS).
If I ever go to Texas, he asked, would I lay some flowers on Oswald's grave, from him and the other colleagues at the radio factory? Kennedy, is shot to death by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner. This photo DOES show Lee Harvey Oswald holding the gun he used to kill Kennedy and is NOT fake, concludes research that trashes conspiracy theory.