Lee Harvey Oswald Video. Lee Harvey Oswald, Part I was the first part of a two-episode story arc (in syndication), which was originally shown as a two-hour episode alongside "Lee Harvey Oswald, Part II". This program seeks to explain the enigmatic Oswald using a brand new approach.
JFK, one of the most loved and charismatic presidents of our time is gunned down in broad daylight. Contact LEE HARVEY & the OSWALDS on Messenger. According to the Warren Commission "Lee Harvey Oswald" acted alone in killing President Kennedy, wounding Texas Governor John Connally, and murdering Dallas police officer J.
JFK, one of the most loved and charismatic presidents of our time is gunned down in broad daylight.
Before JFK, Lee Harvey Oswald Tried to Kill an Army Major General.
This program seeks to explain the enigmatic Oswald using a brand new approach. Newsreel of Lee Harvey Oswald gettin' capped by Jack Ruby. Author Paul Gregory talks about his article "Lee Harvey Oswald Was My Friend" on the anniversary of JFK's death.