Lee Harvey Oswald Fair Play For Cuba. Oswald grew disaffected living in the U. He chose not to apply for citizenship, and when his visa expired, he applied for residency back in the United He also served as secretary of the New Orleans chapter of the group Fair Play for Cuba, a pro-Castro organization.
Oswald grew disaffected living in the U. Lee Harvey Oswald holding communist papers. Next Oswald migrates alone to New Orleans and begins contacting the "Fair Play for Cuba" group in New York.
While Kennedy strived to take the dictator down The events may have lined up to suggest a narrative where Oswald killed Kennedy because of his anti-Cuba policies, but it seems incredibly unlikely that.
After doing a national tour for Fair Play, his work led to an indictment for traveling to Cuba - imposed on no other journalist.
Thousands of documents about the John F. We doní??t know yet if Lee Harvey Oswald is President Kennedyí??s. Lee Harvey Oswald: I would say that the activities of the United States government in regards to Batista were a manifestation of not so much support for.