Lee Harvey Oswald Gary Oldman. Gary Oldman, Actor: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. This photo DOES show Lee Harvey Oswald holding the gun he used to kill Kennedy and is NOT fake, concludes research that trashes conspiracy theory.
Add interesting content and earn coins. This photo DOES show Lee Harvey Oswald holding the gun he used to kill Kennedy and is NOT fake, concludes research that trashes conspiracy theory. Gary Oldman is a talented English movie star and character actor, renowned for his expressive acting style.
I asked her what she thought of Gary Oldman's portrayal of her father. Гэри Олдман.
Sirius Black, Sid Vicious, Lee Harvey Oswald, George Smiley - I've had a real share.
Contact LEE HARVEY & the OSWALDS on Messenger. Rachel Oswald did not kill John F. When Gary Oldman first saw himself in full Winston Churchill drag—fat suit, prosthetics, and all—even the veteran actor gasped in shock.