Lee Harvey Oswald Interview. However, in an interview with the FBI, Oswald's mother claimed she was shown a photo of the mystery man, which (after her son's death) she later took to be Jack Ruby. The Garage Shooter of Lee Harvey Oswald was definitely FBI Agent James Bookhout who was pretending to be Ruby.
O'Reilly's JFK assassination fib | Obama interview, O ... (Gertrude Gomez)
Lee Harvey Oswald may have been a CIA secret agent, a suspiciously redacted document has shownCredit: Media Drum World. NewsVoice interviews Judyth Vary Baker who reports that she was Lee Harvey Oswald's mistress. Political: Lee Harvey Oswald would have wanted the trial to be a political show trial, Ms McMillan believes.
Oswald was honorably released from active duty in the Marine Corps into the reserve and defected to.
His father, Robert Oswald, died two months before his son was born.
Lee Harvey Oswald's Mother Discusses the Assassination of ...
JFK assassination Lee Harvey Oswald daughter June Oswald ...
Dallas Police Interrogatation INTERVIEW of Lee Harvey ...
The day JFK died: TV anchor recalls interview with ...
Who Impersonated Lee Harvey Oswald? Great radio interview ...
Lee Harvey Oswald's Co Worker on the JFK Assassination ...
JFK assassination Lee Harvey Oswald daughter June Oswald ...
Lee Harvey Oswald Interview Notes Taken By Captain Will Fr ...
In Fact, Lee Harvey Oswald's father's name was Robert E. No one ever appeared eager to let Lee Harvey Oswald rest in peace, save for the journalists who put him there. What he claimed afterwards is that he was there for the final interrogation of Oswald that morning, and then, he chose not to come down to watch the Jail Transfer.