Lee Harvey Oswald Information. The early years. (Note: Further proof of his employment with these intelligence agencies could be confirmed by viewing Oswald's tax information, however, to this day the government refuses to. Lee Harvey Oswald was a former U.
Lee Harvey Oswald: 9 "Facts" About the Mystery Gunman ... (Ida Pittman)
Deutsch: Lee Harvey Oswald (alias Alek J. Two days after the momentous event Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby, before he could be tried. Explore this biography to learn more about his childhood, work, life and timeline.
Chief Place mouse pointer on each image above for more information (do not click).
Kennedy, unless even if you believe the claims of the conspiracy theorists.
Official web site of Judyth Vary Baker
Rafael Cruz & Lee Harvey Oswald: 5 Facts You Need to Know ...
Lee Harvey Oswald MUG SHOT PHOTO Dallas, John F Kennedy ...
See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. The revelations are among the most interesting insights into the information that the FBI and CIA had at the time about Oswald's relationship with the Soviet Union. On a quest to the be the Internet's most popular unpopular member.