Lee Harvey Oswald Job Texas School Book Depository. The Warren Commission, and several subsequent investigations, all. Marina became close friends with a woman named Ruth Paine, who felt sympathy for the young bride.
His family stayed with a friend in a. According to the official version of events, Oswald was on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building in. The motorcade traveled past the Texas School Book Depository; Oswald had access to the sixth floor of the building; Oswald brought the rifle into the building; the cartons were arranged at the sixth-floor window; and Oswald escaped from the building before the police had sealed off the exits.
Kennedy as his motorcade crawled down Elm Street.
While in police custody, Oswald was murdered by Oswald then returned to the states, where he got a job working at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas.
Marina became close friends with a woman named Ruth Paine, who felt sympathy for the young bride. Policeman Marrion Baker confronts Oswald in the depository cafeteria, but the building superintendent vouches for him. The Warren Commission, and several subsequent investigations, all.