The Umbrella Academy Number 6. The Umbrella Academy debuted on Netflix recently and already, it's turning out to be a smash hit. It follows seven adopted siblings with Ben is played by Justin H.
His name was Ben Hargreeves, also known as "The Horror," but. PagesMediaTV & MoviesTV ShowUmbrella AcademyVideosnumber six 🐙 ben hargreeves. THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY on Netflix has left fans with dozens of questions about the series, especially the one of how Ben died.
Min is just as in the dark about Number Six as we are.
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Here's a recap of all the characters' powers and abilities. The umbrella academy : charecter development. and the best part. well that escalated quickly …. But there was still one HUGE question that they still didn't answer by the finale The members of The Umbrella Academy never end up talking about how Ben died, but it seems like it really affected the team.