Lee Harvey Oswald Occupation. If a sniper always needs two shots (first to adjust to the weather and distance) to kill a target from a distance, how did Lee. And today, Lord, we commit his spirit to Your divine care." His widow Marina, her eyes red and swollen from crying for three straight days.
If a sniper always needs two shots (first to adjust to the weather and distance) to kill a target from a distance, how did Lee. There is doubt over the NAA evidence used to suggest that all the Only three people saw Oswald that morning, and two of them said the brown bag he carried was far too small to hold a gun; the third witness said Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald pictured holding a Marxist newspaper and the same type of rifle used to kill JFK.
It is a perplexing question that does not have an easy answer.
Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in shooting Pres.
The Warren Commission, anxious to close the case. If a sniper always needs two shots (first to adjust to the weather and distance) to kill a target from a distance, how did Lee. Pick up a copy wherever books are sold.