Lee Harvey Oswald Quotes. See the gallery for quotes by Lee Harvey Oswald. When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, 'Nah, what's wrong with a horse?' That was a huge bet he made, and it Bio: Lee Harvey Oswald was an American former U.
Available for download in high resolution. As a teenager, Lee Harvey Oswald was a fan of the television show, I Led Three Lives. The word "patsy" in this instance means that Lee Harvey Oswald is claiming he is being blamed for something someone else did.
Lee Harvey Oswald Quotes at BrainyQuote.
Lee Harvey Oswald quotes and captions including We do not support the man.
The quotes, edited for space and clarity, are based on the recollections of a variety of witnesses present at different times and are not verbatim transcripts. On a quest to the be the Internet's most popular unpopular member. The word "patsy" in this instance means that Lee Harvey Oswald is claiming he is being blamed for something someone else did.