Lee Harvey Oswald Quizlet. Learn vocabulary, terms and more with flashcards, games and other study tools. Mail Order gun he bought in February.
The most significant of these is the scene in KGB headquarters, in which Sam realizes he is becoming Oswald and refuses to help the KGB. No other documentary has exclusively traced Oswald's actions in the minutes, hours and days following the events in Dallas. But if "Lee Harvey Oswald" was the lone gunman and if he was not a government agent and if there was no conspiracy, then please tell us, Mr.
Newsreel of Lee Harvey Oswald gettin' capped by Jack Ruby.
Me & Lee, concerning her love affair with Lee Harvey Oswald, has been endorsed by Jim Marrs, Oliver Stone, Dick Russell, and other prominent names in the field.
However, the police made no tapes nor took any transcripts of the interrogations. Lee Harvey Oswald was not in the sniper's nest from which President John F Kennedy was shot - but his gun was used in the shooting, a new book concludes. Lee Oswald had no apparent motive for killing Kennedy.