Lee Harvey Oswald Relatives. As a teenager, Lee Harvey Oswald was a fan of the television show, I Led Three Lives. He hooked up with a distant relative who put him and his family up for a few weeks.
We are not here to judge, only to commit for burial Lee Harvey Oswald. Newsreel of Lee Harvey Oswald gettin' capped by Jack Ruby. What he claimed afterwards is that he was there for the final interrogation of Oswald that morning, and then, he chose not to come down to watch the Jail Transfer.
Kennedy, is shot to death by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner.
Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in shooting Pres.
Newsreel of Lee Harvey Oswald gettin' capped by Jack Ruby. To avoid argument, the gravediggers were told they were digging a hole for "William Bobo." Fearing attacks on his corpse, the Secret Service guarded Lee Harvey Oswald well into the afterlife. Kennedy, unless even if you believe the claims of the conspiracy theorists.