Lee Harvey Oswald Radio Interview. And today, Lord, we commit his spirit to Your divine care." His widow Marina, her eyes red and swollen from crying for three straight days. I'm responding to the long answer to this question written by Chris Street.
Are these documents referring to the Dallas Police Department's second arrest at the Oswald. Rachel Oswald did not kill John F. Kennedy, but for more than three decades she has struggled to make peace with the darkest day in Texas history.
However, the police made no tapes nor took any transcripts of the Ike Pappas, a journalist working for WNEW Radio in Maryland was one of the hundred people watching Oswald being led through the basement of police. "Mrs.
Rachel Oswald did not kill John F.
Are these documents referring to the Dallas Police Department's second arrest at the Oswald. Segments from an interview with Joseph McBride performed by Len Osanic. What he claimed afterwards is that he was there for the final interrogation of Oswald that morning, and then, he chose not to come down to watch the Jail Transfer.