Lee Harvey Oswald Shooting. Why did Lee Harvey Oswald shoot JFK? Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald.
According to the Warren Commission "Lee Harvey Oswald" acted alone in killing President Kennedy, wounding Texas Governor John Connally, and murdering Dallas police officer J. So far, no one is biting. Now living in Denver, Colorado, he spoke to the BBC about taking the shot of a lifetime - and explained why being a split-second slower than a competitor made all the difference.
Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone in shooting Pres.
These questions continue to nag many people more than a decade.
In the immediate aftermath, President Lyndon Johnson established. Lee Harvey Oswald, a former US marine and Marxist, was arrested for the killing before he in turn was murdered by local nightclub proprietor Jack Ruby two days later, during a live television broadcast of his transfer from Dallas County Jail. James R Leavelle, the detective who was handcuffed to Lee Harvey Oswald when the killer of John F Kennedy was in turn shot dead by Jack Ruby, has died.