Lee Harvey Oswald Speech. In the end, Lee Harvey Oswald will be known as the unsung hero who was quite meticulously framed by the CIA, the FBI and the Dallas Police Department. As a teenager, Lee Harvey Oswald was a fan of the television show, I Led Three Lives.
And today, Lord, we commit his spirit to Your divine care." His widow Marina, her eyes red and swollen from crying for three straight days. According to the Warren Commission "Lee Harvey Oswald" acted alone in killing President Kennedy, wounding Texas Governor John Connally, and murdering Dallas police officer J. His father, Robert Oswald, died two months before his son was born.
The most significant of these is the scene in KGB headquarters, in which Sam realizes he is becoming Oswald and refuses to help the KGB.
Lee Harvey Oswald, Part I was the first part of a two-episode story arc (in syndication), which was originally shown as a two-hour episode alongside "Lee Harvey Oswald, Part II".
Indeed, was it Lee Harvey Oswald at all who killed JFK? What was Lee Harvey Oswald's motive for killing President John F. Oswald - ""Well as I say [Castro's Cuba] even after.