The Umbrella Academy Number 4. The following entry is a list of characters from The Umbrella Academy, a comic book series created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. You may be looking for the Number Five from the comic series. "You know what's funny?
One of the most interesting, yet enigmatic, character of the bunch was Number Five. The Walker - Fitz and The tantrums. Any future content (e.g. castings, news, plots) must be labeled as a spoiler.
Any future content (e.g. castings, news, plots) must be labeled as a spoiler.
Here's a recap of all the characters' powers and abilities.
But nothing has got fans stanning more than Number Five, played brilliantly by Aidan Gallagher. He has the ability to communicate with the dead, as well as let them inhabit his body and use him as a medium. Don't put spoilers in your submission titles.