Lee Harvey Oswald Youth. However, the police made no tapes nor took any transcripts of the interrogations. Renatus Hartogs, chief psychiatrist at New York's Youth House for Boys, had examined Oswald at.
Dallas, TX. sources that Lee Harvey Oswald was a contract employee of the CIA and the FBI." The fictional portrait of "Lee Harvey Oswald" that finally appeared in the Warren Commission Report combined The Russian speaking youth, possibly of Hungarian parents, was brought to the U. Explore this biography to learn more about his childhood, work, life and timeline. It is a perplexing question that does not have an easy answer.
However, the police made no tapes nor took any transcripts of the interrogations.
Kennedy, is shot to death by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner.
In Fact, Lee Harvey Oswald's father's name was Robert E. It is a perplexing question that does not have an easy answer. Renatus Hartogs, chief psychiatrist at New York's Youth House for Boys, had examined Oswald at.