The Umbrella Academy Quiz Buzzfeed. Nothing is ordinary about these siblings. Look no further: just a couple questions and you'll find your place in The.
Discord to the Umbrella Academy at the Lounge. While their powers might make them powerful, the members of the Hargreeves. Find more about The Umbrella Academy on Amazon.
If you watched The Umbrella Academy, you know that it's unlike any other kind of superhero show that you've seen before.
Umbrella Academy Quiz: Are you Luther, Diego, Klaus or Allison?
Everyone Has A Character From "Umbrella Academy" That Matches Their Personality — Here's Yours. Based on how you answer these questions, we think we know which Umbrella Academy sibling you're most like. Which "Umbrella Academy" Character Is Your Soulmate? "Around me, you don't have to apologize just for existing." BuzzFeed / Getty Images.