Umbrella Academy Number 2 Powers. Ostensibly the leader of the Umbrella Academy, Luther has spent the past four years on a mission to the moon. He has been given the name The Horror as he has the ability to.
The following entry is a list of characters from The Umbrella Academy, a comic book series created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. Here's our guide to the cast, the characters, and their powers. Don't put spoilers in your His comic book super powers include holding his breath indefinitely, but that's kinda useless.
Where will Vanya's powers take her in season two of The Umbrella Academy?
Each one has unique powers and unique struggles, whether it's because of their bizarre and manipulative father or the pressure that comes It's no surprise then that we see ourselvEes in these characters.
The kids of The Umbrella Academy have all kinds of special powers that they are able to use to their advantage. But nothing has got fans stanning more than Number Five, played brilliantly by Aidan Gallagher. A Guide to The Umbrella Academy Characters and Their Powers.