Umbrella Academy 2 Sezon Ne Zaman. However, we can suss out some theories of when. Not only is Sir Reginald very much alive, but he has redirected his attention to an entirely new team of superheroes called The Sparrow.
The Netflix original series The Umbrella Academy was a breakout hit for the streaming giant, and pulled in some of their best numbers for the first quarter of We do not yet have an official release date for the second season of The Umbrella Academy. Based on the Gerard Way graphic novel series of the same name, it focuses on a group of estranged, superpowered siblings who must reconnect in order to save the world from the apocalypse. Sezon, Netflix'in ilgi çeken süper kahraman dizisindeki bir sonraki bölüm olabilir.
Sezonun ne zaman başlayacağı henüz açıklanmadı.
Based on the Gerard Way graphic novel series of the same name, it focuses on a group of estranged, superpowered siblings who must reconnect in order to save the world from the apocalypse.
The Umbrella Academy, yaklaşık bir buçuk yıllık aranın ardından ekranlara geri dönmeye hazırlanıyor. Now the Umbrella Academy must find a way to reunite, figure out what caused doomsday, put a stop to it, and return to the present timeline to stop that other apocalypse. Babalarının ölümüyle yeniden bir araya gelen sıra dışı yeteneklere sahip kardeşler, şaşırtıcı aile sırlarını ve insanlığı bekleyen yakın bir tehdidi açığa çıkarır.