The Umbrella Academy Comic. The Umbrella Academy is an American comic book series created by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá. The titular team of The Umbrella Academy is described as a "dysfunctional family of superheroes".
Once, the Umbrella Academy was unstoppable. Discord to the Umbrella Academy at the Lounge. At the same time, though, it takes some pretty substantial liberties with the comics in order to weave the narrative into a ten-episode, character-rich.
The Umbrella Academy is a Comic Book written by Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance and drawn by Gabriel Bá, published by Dark Horse Comics.
The Umbrella Academy is an American comic book series created and written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá.
Don't put spoilers in your submission titles. Subreddit for the Comic series/Netflix Original show, The Umbrella Academy, written by Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance) with art by Gabriel Bá. Discord to the Umbrella Academy at the Lounge.