Robert Sheehan The Road Within. A young man with Tourette's Syndrome embarks on a road trip with his recently-deceased mother's ashes. The film opens with Vincent (Robert Sheehan) in church at his mother's funeral ceremony sitting with his father (Robert Patrick),By default instead of seeing "The.
However, Robert's running for political office and doesn't want his son on the campaign trail. Do people know about this guy?? The Road Within movie reviews & Metacritic score: Vincent (Robert Sheehan), a young man with Tourette's Syndrome, just lost his mom.
Starring Dev Patel, Zoë Kravitz, Robert Sheehan, Robert Patrick and Kyra Sedgwick.
Robert Sheehan stars as Vincent, who has Tourette's, and he is joined by Zoë Kravitz and Dev Patel in the cast.
Starring Robert Sheehan, Dev Patel, Zoe Kravitz, Robert Patrick and Kyra Sedgwick, the coming of age road trip comedy is on. Il vient de perdre sa mère et se retrouve ainsi face à son père avec qui il est en froid depuis quelques temps. Helfant are producing for Troika Pictures, along with Brent Emery and.