The Umbrella Academy Genre. It is an adaptation of the comic book series The Umbrella Academy created by Gerard Way, and published by Dark Horse Comics. The Umbrella Academy is an American superhero web television series based on the comic book series of the same name published by Dark Horse Comics.
The Umbrella Academy is an American superhero web television series based on the comic book series of the same name published by Dark Horse Comics.
La ficción de acción real sigue a una familia disfuncional de superhéroes que trabajan para averiguar la misteriosa muerte de su padre. ; Mientras, tendrán que lidiar con las personalidades y.
Now that they've fulfilled their destiny, does the Umbrella Academy have any. "The Umbrella Academy" is not the first series to take from the work of Quentin Tarantino and his imitators the idea that being purely random — mixing This may simply be a function of, sadly enough, age; in this series's outré emotional beats and genre synthesis for its own sake it's not hard to see a. One member is bedridden, the side of her head held together with tape; and another has lost her voice, the source of her power. The Umbrella Academy es la adaptación televisiva del cómic del cantante de My Chemichal Romance.