Jack Ruby Trial Transcript. Armed with original trial transcripts, rare audio, news accounts, and interviews from those personally involved in the case, we bring to you a daily recap of the State of Texas v. This article is the transcript for The Trial.
Jack Ruby remained in Dallas and after borrowing money from a friend he purchased the Silver Spur Club. Jack Ruby died of stomach cancer a few days before his trial date. Jack Ruby dies before second trial.
Yes, Jack Ruby went to trial.
Jack Ruby remained in Dallas and after borrowing money from a friend he purchased the Silver Spur Club.
It further found that Jack Ruby's murder of Oswald, while Oswald was in police custody, was also not part of any conspiracy. Jack Ruby had to believe that he was guilty of a premeditated, calculated murder. Armed with original trial transcripts, rare audio, news accounts, and interviews from those personally involved in the case, we bring to you a daily recap of the State of Texas v.